AarowPrep was born out of a vision to become better prepared to respond to incidents using a less complicated, whole community approach through best practices. Our team has responded to countless disasters of all sizes nationwide both at the county, state, and federal level, as well as private industry. Over the course of decades, we've felt the need for organizations to take a more involved and simplified approach to disaster preparedness using combined lessons learned from past incidents.
Through the years, we've learned that many of the crisis systems in place weren't always very helpful because;
- Plans were written but rarely or never practiced
- Some plans were never written such as Active Shooter plans
- They were rarely updated from lessons learned
- They weren't fully utilized during a disaster
- Many employees weren't aware they even existed
- Many plans were confusing or too complicated for most
- Many organizations would only train once and not offer updated curriculums
- Many organizations wouldn't offer exercises/drills
- Most never included relationship building with all stakeholders, or
- They were simply too intimidating to the average person
We're working hard to change that.
In the past few decades, the need for an increasing number of emergency managers with real-world operational experience has become clear in our country and it's difficult to find many experts with multiple large-scale responses nationwide. Our consultants form a team of extensively trained experts with many years of response experience in multiple disciplines within the field of emergency management.
We purposely select consultants to join AarowPrep that have a strong passion for emergency management and meeting the client's "big picture" needs. It's absolutely about the quality of our experts, not just in their field but as overall respected individuals within their vast, professional networks.
AarowPrep empowers and guides organizations to take a different approach to emergency management through better processes and training based on current best practices in the industry. We offer a wide variety of emergency management services and facilitate, train, and assess the needs of organizations, groups, and communities.
We believe in working to reshape the mindset of emergency management preparations for organizations and doing what makes sense.
The "Aar" in the uniquely spelled word "Aarow" stands for an After Action Review (AAR). This is why the word arrow is spelled differently. The AAR is intended to improve on lessons learned following an event to develop best practices for future events.
The arrow on the "A" is pointing to the left indicating lessons learned from the past. The "Aar" is surrounded by the sun symbolizing the AAR actions being implemented and utilized during "blue skies."
"Prep" stands for preparedness. The arrow in the lowercase "p" symbolizes the improvements implemented from the AAR being utilized during the next "grey sky" response thus pointing up to the cloud. It also symbolizes looking up to an improved response in the future.
Our tagline represents incorporating our best practices formed from real-world experiences to better prepare for future events.
For more information on how AarowPrep Emergency Management Consulting can help your organization, email Info@AarowPrep.com.